Great Dental Health Apps For Kids
Published March 16, 2019 2100 Views
EVERY PARENT WANTSto be able to teach their children good, healthy habits so that they will be ready for the responsibilities of adulthood, and those include oral health and hygiene habits. But what do we do when our kids aren't interested in brushing and flossing? Fortunately, in the age of the sma...
Root Canal Myths: Busted
Published March 9, 2019 2279 Views
HAVE YOU EVER HEARDsomeone begin a sentence "I'd rather have a root canal than..."? The negative portrayal of root canal treatment in our culture isn't just a clich; it's a myth! That's why we're using this post to knock down some of the most common root canal myths out there. Myth 1: "Root Canal Tr...
The Effects Of Pregnancy On Oral Health
Published March 2, 2019 1710 Views
YOU CAN ALWAYSexpect your body to go through a lot of changes when you're expecting, but did you know that some of those changes are to your oral health? The changing hormone levels of pregnancy actually put expecting mothers at greater risk of developing a variety of oral health issues, including g...
The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth
Published February 23, 2019 1821 Views
MANY OF THE THINGSwe drink are actually pretty bad for our teeth, especially soda, fruit juice, and coffee. What options does that leave for the dental health conscious to quench their thirst? Fortunately, there are a few drinks that are much less likely to cause stains or contribute to enamel erosi...
Nitrous Oxide: Having A Gas At The Dentist
Published February 16, 2019 2485 Views
MOST OF US HAVEat least heard of laughing gas, the whimsically-nicknamed sedation method used by dentists, even if we haven't had it ourselves. But what exactly is laughing gas, and why is it so closely associated with dentistry? Nitrous Oxide From Discovery To Dentistry Laughing gas is a colo...
Relief For A Burned Mouth
Published February 9, 2019 1932 Views
HAVE YOU EVER SAT down to a plate of lasagna from your favorite Italian place and immediately taken a huge bite without waiting for it to cool down? Or taken a swig of hot chocolate too fast? Maybe it wasn't lasagna or hot chocolate for you, but we've all burned our tongues on foods or drinks we lov...
Sleep Apnea And Your Child’s Dental Health
Published February 2, 2019 1822 Views
UP TO 20 PERCENT of habitually snoring children have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that results in brief but repeated interruptions to normal breathing during sleep. Not only is this a potentially life-threatening disorder, it also has a significant impact on oral health. The Three...
An Intro To Veneers
Published January 26, 2019 2274 Views
MANY OF US ARE unhappy with the way our smiles look. Maybe our teeth aren't as white as we'd like, they have unusual shapes, or they've suffered some damage like chipping or fractures. Veneers are a great, long-lasting solution we can use to fix these problems and get the smiles of our dreams. Ho...
Train Your Child To Be A Flossing Ninja
Published January 19, 2019 2067 Views
BEING A GOOD NINJAisn't just about mastering the nunchaku and learning to move about completely undetected; it's also about keeping one's teeth and gums healthy and strong. One of our greatest weapons against gum disease and tooth decay is a good flossing habit. The Importance Of Flossing To The Pat...
What To Do When You Have A Toothache
Published January 12, 2019 1752 Views
A TOOTHACHE ISnever fun to deal with, and they can happen for a variety of reasons. Do you know what to do when one strikes, especially if it happens over the holidays or at the beginning of the weekend and you can't get quick access to professional dental care? Toothache Causes Themost common reaso...
Protect Your Teeth This Cold And Flu Season
Published December 29, 2018 1830 Views
THE LAST THING YOU WANT to worry about when you're sick is your dental health. Unfortunately, your teeth can be extra vulnerable when cold and flu season strike. If you find yourself under the weather, read on for helpful tips on protecting your mouth! Watch Out For Dry Mouth You know that feelin...
Stocking Stuffers For Healthy Teeth
Published December 15, 2018 1774 Views
THE HOLIDAYS ARE approaching, and that means it's time to shop for treats and presents for the people we love! Often times, these treats aren't the healthiest choices for our teeth, which is why we've put together some suggestions for more dental-friendly goodies to stuff in those stockings --- as...
Kids, Teens, And Gum Disease
Published December 8, 2018 2261 Views
YOU MIGHT THINKthat gum disease is a dental health problem that only adults have to deal with. Unfortunately, teenagers and children are also at risk of developing gingivitis and more severe forms of periodontal disease. Causes Of Gum Disease The causes of gum disease aredifferentfor teenager...
What We’re Thankful For
Published November 18, 2018 1790 Views
EACH YEAR, THANKSGIVINGis a wonderful time for us all to reflect on all the things we're grateful for in our lives, and that's exactly what we've done at our practice. Here are some of the things our team members feel particularly grateful for this Thanksgiving season. Jus A Few Members Of Our Team...
Impress Your Friends With Dental Trivia
Published November 15, 2018 1865 Views
MOST PEOPLE OUTSIDEof teeth-related professions probably only think about their teeth when something's wrong, like when there's something stuck between them in the middle of a date, they're sore from a toothache, or they're stained after drinking coffee or juice. That's why we thought our patients w...
Thinking About Whitening Your Smile?
Published November 12, 2018 2255 Views
SO, YOU WANT TOwhiten your teeth. You're not alone! In fact, when the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry asked what people would most like to improve about their smile, the most common response was whiter teeth. There Are Several Teeth Whitening Options With so many teeth whitening products on...
Time’s Running Out On Insurance Benefits!
Published October 26, 2018 3305 Views
ANOTHER YEAR IS COMINGto a close, and that means another year of insurance benefits is about to expire. If you haven't taken advantage of your dental insurance yet, that's okay, but the year is almost over, so the time to use them is now. To help you prepare, we've put together some information abou...
Making Halloween Healthy For Your Teeth
Published October 18, 2018 1785 Views
HALLOWEEN IS ONE OFthe most highly anticipated holidays of the year, and it's almost here! This holiday sees kids, teens, and even adults consuming far more sugar than they would any other time, coming in second only to Easter. The problem with this is that sugar is the favorite food of the harmfu...
Broccoli Benefits For Your Teeth
Published May 1, 2018 2431 Views
Broccoli has so many benefits, including for your teeth. You may find it hard to believe, but broccoli can even help whiten your teeth. That's because broccoli has natural minerals that when eaten raw can break apart the plaque in your teeth and brighten your smile. This amazing food also helps stre...
Go Green: Making Your Dental Routine Eco-Friendly
Published April 22, 2018 2100 Views
Going green is not limited to Earthy Day. Helping conserve the earth's resources should be a part of every activity. It's not justabout driving less, eating more local foods and turning off the lights when you leave a room, but it also involves your dental health practices too. Many of our dental ha...
Don't Let Spring, Break Your Teeth!
Published March 27, 2018 2128 Views
Let's face it, kids aren't the only one who enjoy Easter candy each spring. Jelly belly, chocolate bunnies, and peeps are just some of the treats blooming in their baskets. After Halloween, Easter is the most popular holiday for candy sales. This year, 87% of Americans plan to indulge in Easter cand...
Defend Against Dry Mouth
Published March 10, 2018 2088 Views
Dry mouth is more than annoying, it can be cause for concern. Persistent dry mouth can affect your speech, your ability to swallow and even your dental health. Those suffering with dry mouth may experience a constant sore throat, a burning sensation in their throat, difficulty speaking or swallowing...
Brushing Up: How to Select A Toothbrush
Published February 28, 2018 1985 Views
With so many toothbrushes on the market, it may be confusing on which is the best type of toothbrush to choose. The average american will spend more than 1,000 hours brushing their teeth making this a very important topic. Here are some guidelines for you to consider when buying your next toothbrush...
Show Some Love To Your Smile This Valentines
Published February 13, 2018 2758 Views
Flowers fade, candy becomes stale but your smile should last forever. After all, when you have a smile that you love you are more confident and happier. Your semi-annual visit to the dentist is only a small gesture to show your love a little TLC. Take time this Valentines season, and really every da...
Reasons To Smile In The New Year
Published January 31, 2018 2503 Views
Your smile communicates a lot about you. Smiles are contagious and like laughter, smiling provides countless mental, physical, social and emotional benefits. Plus, it is easier to smile than frown. While we can give you many reasons to smile, we wanted to highlight you four solid reasons to smile in...
Resolve To Make A Healthier You In 2018
Published January 4, 2018 1845 Views
While you are resolving to improve to make a healthier "new you" don't forget to include your mouth. A healthy body is intricately entwined with oral health and our healthy habits will improve your overall wellness. Consider our top 5 tips for a healthier mouth in the new year. Skip The Sugar: When...
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
Published December 5, 2017 2441 Views
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" maybe a catchy Christmas song but it can also be a source of shame and embarrassment to the millions of Americans who are missing one or more teeth. Those who are missing teeth report lower rates of self-esteem, higher levels of depression, challenges...
Pregnancy: The Tooth About Dental Health While Expecting
Published November 28, 2017 2137 Views
Pregnancy is an exciting time for a growing family. If this is your first time being pregnant you may experience a myriad of symptoms because pregnancy effects literally every aspect of a woman's body due to increased hormones, including your mouth and gums. Taking care of your teeth during these ni...
Thanksgiving Tips Your Teeth With Thank You
Published November 22, 2017 1726 Views
For most Americans, Thanksgiving = food and we eat more than any other day of the year. We want you to continue to be thankful for good dental health so we've complied some tips to get keep your teeth and gums smiling this Thanksgiving: Have a Game Plan: Before you arrive, decide which 1-2 Thanksgi...
Dentist Approved Tricks For Eating Halloween Candy
Published October 27, 2017 1828 Views
Sugary Halloween candies can play tricks on your teeth, even the smaller fun size pieces. When sugar gets trapped on your teeth, the natural bacteria in your mouth feeds on sugar and breaks down the enamel on your teeth. The longer sugar lingers on your teeth the more likely damage can occur. Not a...