What Causes Canker Sores?
Published May 20, 2020 2282 Views
CANKER SORES CAN be a real pain in the mouth! They might not be very dangerous, but they can make it pretty hard to have a good day. These angry little ulcers can form inside our lips and cheeks without warning and can take a few days to heal. Luckily, there’s a lot we can do to avoid getting th...
5 Weird and Fun Mouth Facts
Published May 6, 2020 2275 Views
HOW MUCH DO you know about your mouth? Prepare to know a lot more, because we’re about to share a bunch of strange and fascinating mouth trivia. Let’s get started! #1: Our sense of taste needs saliva to work! We have approximately 10,000 taste buds in our mouths, most of which are on our t...
From Dental Health to Overall Health
Published April 27, 2020 1823 Views
WHEN WE THINK of being healthy, how much are we thinking about oral health? Just because we go to our dentists for oral health concerns and physicians for overall health concerns, it doesn’t mean there’s no connection between the two. The Mouth Is the Bridge Between Body and World If the e...
Stress and Our Mouths
Published April 17, 2020 3850 Views
MENTAL WELL-BEING or lack thereof can often have an impact on physical health. Among those impacts are the ways that oral health can be affected by stress, and we want to make sure our Dental Care of Mid Florida patients are aware of the connection so they have more tools to fight back. Grind...
Teaching Good Daily Flossing Habits
Published March 27, 2020 1675 Views
HAVING HEALTHY SMILES isn’t just about brushing twice a day. It’s also about flossing, and the best time to build a lifelong daily flossing habit is in childhood. This is where parents come in, but where we as pediatric dentists at Dental Care of Mid Florida come in is to give parents a few tips to...
Spotlight on Men’s Oral Health
Published March 9, 2020 2001 Views
WE SHOULD ALL BE taking good care of our teeth and gums, but did you know that this can mean different things for men than for women? That’s right: one of the ways men and women are different is their oral health, which is why we’re giving guys some tips for how to keep those handsome Sebring smiles...
How Smoking Affects Oral Health
Published January 25, 2020 1980 Views
WE’VE ALL HEARD over and over how smoking can adversely impact health, with the most infamous example being lung cancer. But smoking doesn’t only harm the lungs; it damages every single system in the body, and it also damages oral health. Smoking Increases the Risk of Oral Cancer Like we said...
Conquering Dental Anxiety
Published January 11, 2020 1775 Views
EVEN THOUGH WE know, logically, that going to the dentist is a safe, normal, and important part of staying healthy, many of us don’t find it particularly fun to lie flat on our backs while someone pokes around our teeth and gums. For some people, the very thought of visiting the dentist fills them w...
Time’s Running Out On Insurance Benefits!
Published October 24, 2019 2159 Views
ANOTHER YEAR IS COMING to a close, and that means another year of insurance benefits is about to expire. If you haven’t taken advantage of your dental insurance yet, that’s okay, but the year is almost over, so the time to use them is now at Dental Care of Mid Florida...
Don’t Take A Vacation From Oral Hygiene!
Published August 10, 2019 2150 Views
WITH THE ARRIVAL OF SUMMERcomes the season of family vacations and exciting trips to new places. We're as excited for it as our patients, but before everyone leaves to explore parts unknown, we want to give you a few tips and reminders about taking care of your teeth while you're away from home. Bef...
How Clean Is Your Tongue?
Published August 3, 2019 3700 Views
"BRUSH YOUR TEETHfor two full minutes twice a day and floss your teeth once a day." You've probably lost count of how many times you've heard that, but how often have you heard that you should be cleaning your tongue every day too? The Difference A Clean Tongue Makes More bacteria likes to live on o...
You’ll Be Smiling Again With Dental Implants
Published July 27, 2019 2246 Views
TOOTH DECAY, ACCIDENTS,and sports-related injuries are a few of the most common causes of tooth loss, but thanks to modern dentistry, we don't need to live with a gap in our smiles. Among the most effective ways to fill in the gaps are dental implants. Implants Versus False Teeth Dentures (whether p...
Plaque, Tartar, And Your Teeth
Published July 20, 2019 2468 Views
PLAQUE AND TARTARare two words that you probably hear a lot when you come in for a dental cleaning. You might already know that they cause tooth decay and gum disease, but do you know what they are? Let's take a closer look at these two substances that are a constant threat to our oral health. Stage...
Too Few Or Too Many Adult Teeth?
Published July 13, 2019 6755 Views
DEPENDING ON HOW MANYwisdom teeth come in and whether or not they have to be removed, most adults have 28-32 adult teeth. There are a few outliers in either direction, however. Some people have fewer teeth than they should (called hypodontia or congenitally missing teeth), while others have one or m...
Repeat After Us: Teeth Are Not Tools
Published July 7, 2019 2150 Views
OUR TEETH AREpretty amazing, and there's a lot they can do. They chew our food, they provide structural support for the lower third of our faces, they help us speak clearly, and they give us our beautiful smiles. However, many people also find other uses for their teeth, which can be very dangerous....
4 Ways Smiling Improves Our Health!
Published June 29, 2019 2370 Views
WE'VE ALL HEARDthe old clich that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so you should smile to conserve energy! That's actuallyfalse. It takes a minimum of ten muscles to smile but only a minimum of six to frown, so the expression should really be "smile to burn calories!" But smiling will d...
Defeating Bad Breath
Published June 22, 2019 2217 Views
WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE BEFORE--- sitting in the middle of a job interview or a first date and realizing that our breath is far from minty fresh. Even when everything else is going perfectly, bad breath can be enough to ruin your confidence and turn a good experience sour. Why do we get bad breath, and...
Enamel Hypoplasia
Published June 15, 2019 2600 Views
WE ALL WANTa perfect, pearly-white smile. Sometimes all it takes is a good brushing and flossing habit and regular dental visits, but not everyone is lucky enough to have naturally strong teeth that are easy to take care of. For some people, a healthy smile is much harder to achieve because of a con...
Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Teeth
Published June 8, 2019 2075 Views
IT'S EASY TO ASSUMEthat our pets don't need dental care like we do. After all, wild animals can't exactly brush their teeth, and that doesn't seem to be a problem for them. However, it turns out that our pets' teeth have a very different situation than the teeth of wild animals, and they do need our...
It’s Time To Kick That Ice-Chewing Habit
Published June 1, 2019 2275 Views
CHEWING ICE MIGHT SEEMrefreshing in the moment, but it's not doing any favors for your teeth in the long run. Today we're going to take a look at why ice chewing is such a common habit despite the dangers it poses, as well as what someone with this habit can do to stop. Compulsive Ice Eating The sci...
Some Of History’s Fun And Bizarre Dental Stories
Published May 25, 2019 2277 Views
HISTORY IS FULLof outrageous tales about teeth! How many of these dental facts have you heard before? The Dental Woes That Won the Battle Of Yorktown? During the Revolutionary War,George Washingtonwrote a letter to his dentist requesting some dental cleaning tools to be sent to New York, noting th...
Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?
Published May 18, 2019 2270 Views
IS A SIMPLE SPOONFULof ice cream enough to make you cringe because of the pain in your teeth? Do you have to be careful when you drink hot coffee that none of it touches your chompers? If you know the feeling, then you're one of millions who experience tooth sensitivity. Let's take a closer look at...
Our Favorite Quotes About Smiling
Published May 11, 2019 2250 Views
WORKING IN THE DENTALhealth business, one of our favorite things to see is our patients' smiles. So today, we thought we'd celebrate those happy faces by sharing some of our favorite quotes about smiling! Smile For Yourself "Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worke...
A Closer Look At Our Teeth
Published May 4, 2019 2361 Views
WE USE OUR TEETHall day, every day, for chewing, talking, and flashing big smiles at friends and family, but what are the structures that allow our teeth to do so much? Let's take a look at what our teeth are made of. Layer 1: Tooth Enamel The portion of each tooth that we can see above our gum tiss...
Dental Care For Baby Teeth
Published April 27, 2019 2223 Views
THE SMILE OFa happy child is one of the best things in the world. Unfortunately, dental caries (tooth decay) is themost commonchronic disease of childhood. We want those smiles to stay as healthy as possible, which is why we're dedicating a blog post to baby teeth dental care. Baby Teeth Matter...
Dental X-Rays: It’s Time For Your Close-Up
Published April 20, 2019 2339 Views
IF WE ASKEDyou to list three things that happen in a typical dental exam, dental X-rays would probably be one of them. But do you know what they're used for? It depends on the type of X-ray, so let's look at what these are. Getting The Wide Shot With Panoramic X-Rays If you've ever stood on a circul...
Oral pH: A Delicate Balance
Published April 13, 2019 2076 Views
YOU MIGHT REMEMBERa little bit about pH from a science class you took years ago in middle school or high school. Even if you don't, that's okay; it's time for a refresher course because pH plays a major role in our oral health. The Basics (And Acidics) Of pH We could go into some really complicated...
Temporomandibular Disorders
Published April 6, 2019 2039 Views
OUR JAWS DO A LOTof work throughout the day, opening and closing over and over so that we can do ordinary things like talk, eat, and yawn. Ideally, all of the anatomy involved functions as it should and we can perform these tasks without trouble, but many people struggle with temporomandibular joint...
The Coolest Teeth In The Animal Kingdom
Published March 30, 2019 2036 Views
MOST OF USalready know that sharks constantly grow new teeth, venomous snakes use their fangs like syringes full of poison, and elephants have enormous tusks. As lovers of teeth of all shapes and sizes, today we'd like to take a moment to spotlight a few lesser known bizarre teeth out there in the w...
Straight Teeth: Not Just About Looks
Published March 23, 2019 2377 Views
THE MOST OBVIOUSimpact of orthodontic treatment is a straighter, more attractive smile. While it is true that we tend to perceive people with properly aligned teeth as happier and more successful, the benefits aren't just superficial. Clearer Speech Do you remember the lisp you had between losing yo...