As skin ages, it begins to lose collagen filled with hyaluronic acid (HA). Collagen and HA add structure and volume to the face, therefore a lack of HA causes the skin to sag and wrinkle. That’s where dermal fillers come into play.

Dermal fillers are smooth injectable gels made from naturally occurring hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers add volume to these depleted areas to restore your face to a more natural youthful appearance.

In just one short appointment, you will immediately see the esthetic results which last up to six months.

The Facts:

  • Dermal fillers approved by the FDA are minimally invasive and very safe. As with any procedure, there are possible risks, the most common being post procedure bruising and swelling which is usually very minimal and resolves quickly.
  • Dermal filler treatments typically take anywhere from 20-40 minutes and the amount of dermal filler needed will depend on volume loss and the areas you would like to restore to its natural beauty.
  • You will see results immediately after treatment.